Workshop Services Support & advice
Professional support and consultancy services for workshops. Keeping workshops at the forefront of vehicle technology and customer satisfaction with Bosch Workshop Solutions.
Vehicle Service
Modern powertrain technology is complex and needs an in-depth understanding of electronics and system architecture. It is fundamental that vehicle workshops have a solid understanding of how to diagnose complaints efficiently. The Vehicle Service provides workshops with the essential skills on the usage of OBD scan tools, diagnosis and decoding the trouble in the complaint vehicles through training, technical support and workshop services.

Connected Workshop Service
Bosch offers consultancy and support for rolling out Connected Repair vehicle workshops. Bosch Connected Repair connects test equipment and reception for quicker workshop processes. Service tasks are defined directly at the reception desk with the customer and directly transmitted to the equipment on the repair floor, where the technicians will perform their tasks quickly and efficiently.
Aimed at enhancing Dealer Capacity Utilization and induce next level Customer Experience with transparency, by innovating entire service process.

Express Service Concept
With the rising demand for passenger & commercial automobiles, it is vital to have good vehicle workshop access for customers to enable them to get their vehicle serviced as per the schedule. The rising volume of vehicles is putting excessive capacity pressure on the vehicle workshop. The only cost-effective way to deal with such a scenario is to augment the capacity of workshops through process efficiencies. Bosch workshop service will offer comprehensive consultancy and support in deploying express service at workshops.
Bosch express service incorporates lean principles and includes industry best practices, and is supported by Bosch special tools and equipment to improve the productivity by adopting Work Smart and Not Hard concept
Workshop Technical Audits
We offer range of audits for OE workshop, be workshop technical audit, warranty audit or tool audit. The assessment covers..
- Overall Service Quality process
- TSB and DNP Management
- Effective usage and availability of Special Tools and Testers
- Calibration Status of critical tools
- Warranty management process.
Additional we also look for gaps in warranty claim consistency against standard repair instructions and recommend pertinent actions followed by monitoring the improvements.